Sunday, March 18, 2007


Fuck, this is fucked up. We decided to catch one of them and fuck with it.

This is he funnest thing ever, I mean in perspective to be outnumber by zombies in every possible way.

He looks like my Uncle Stilton, except all zombied out. Treeva and Bart put it in one of the cells in the jail we are holed up in. Bart started pissing on it. They thing tried to grab his dick. I warned him that he shouldn't get to close, but I think at this point I should not be surprised when he does stupid things.

I think Treva wants to fuck it. I don't know why, she just has that look in her eye. I caught her eyeing him and rubbing her nipple. I don't know if she has always been a necrophile or if she's getting some type of Stockholm syndrome with these things, but it freaks me out.

If she does something with it and gets bit, I swear I'm just going to go ahead and shoot her. She is strong and aggressive, and I don't want to be around her when she turns. If they're fresh, they can be just a strong as before they turned. I don't need that noise. I think we learned our lesson with Henry.

Something else that's been on my mind is "The Twins" as they call themselves, Nasty and Vance. They have kinda given me the creeps from the beginning. I mean not only are they always standing beside each other...always, but it's the bondage outfits. They remind me of that wrestling tagteam in the 80s, what where the called....oh yeah, Demolition. They go off together all them time and get firewood, and they do always come back with it, but something seems off. I don't know if they are lover, brothers, both.... Ah hell, I really don;t care. The important part is that when we have to fight our way out of a fucking zombie filled situation they guys really can fight. So that's good I guess.

Oh shit, the one we caught is dancing, I have to go see what that is about...

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